Sunset, Simply Soft Prints, Caron Yarn

I’ve always enjoye Caron Yarns.  It’s reasonably priced, has nice colors, especially for small children, and is easy to work with.  Now Caron has added a whole new line of hues. The varigated yarns are absolutely beautiful.  I saw this and had to have it.  It’s called Sunset.

Working with simple and basic patterns I made a cowl and mittens

Mittens are the standard 4 needle pattern. These are woman’s , size 3 needles.
cast on 40 stitches, work in rib pattern, 4 inches, increasing three stitches in the last row. Knit three rows, even. Knit one, place marker, increase one, knit one, increase one. Place marker. Continue the row even. Knit next row even, Then at the next marker increase one stitch, knit three, increase a the next marker, knit even. Next row, knit. Then continue to increase at the markers, knit a row even. Till there are 11 thumb stitches. Place those stitches on a needle holder, piece of yarn or a large safety pin. Cast on two stitches, and continue to knit in the round. Knit for five inches, then do an even decrease every other row. I decrease 8 stitches (two together four times) scattered through the row. That gives the necessary 2 inches, till there are about 8 stitches left and then slide the yarn through the remaining stitches.
Thumb, pick up the 11 stitches then pick up 4 more from the mitten. Knit in the round, till it’s about one and a half inches. Decrease every 4th, then knit even then decrease every 3rd. Continue decreasing in this manner. By the time you cast off it should be 2 1/2 inches. You can make it as long as you like. Some people have long nails.
With size 7 circular needles cast on 140 stitches. Join without twisting the row. Knit four, purl two. You can do a few rows, in pattern, then join. This helps to avoid twisting.
Knit for 12 inches. You’ll still have some yarn left in the skein. (4oz. skein, 208 yards)
It worked out nicely ,  I think.  And being Caron, it’s very soft.