Snow…South of Boston

I thought we already had a lot of snow…And we DID.  Since Sat night we’ve been clobbered with even more.

This was taken last a few days ago..when we had sun.  Probably Friday morning.

Bird Feeder..approx 25 inches of snow

Bird Feeder..approx 25 inches of snow

Taken today, and it’s still coming.  Using the fence as a guide, it’s showing around 20 more inches (and still falling)

40 + inches

40 + inches


The pump house, grill, rather well covered.

The pump house and grill

The pump house and grill



The grill is buried, and the snow is up to the door knob.

Back walkway after the first storm..last week


Taken a few mins ago. It just doesn’t end,


……       IMG_1102                                                                    



My Ollie is finding all this exhausting………….IMG_1115


Yesterday morning I looked out the upstairs window, and of course
we’re covered in snow.
I heard a noise, which is odd because I can’t get out the driveway. Which means
no one can come down it either. 
And LOOK who came to save me.
The plow and sander, YIPPEE
Unless you go through it.  There is no happier feeling than being plowed, and dug out after a heavy winter storm.
I heard some more noise on the other side and there was Danny throwing sand and
salt all over the walk.
As much as I try to keep the area clear so we can get out the back door it’s a no
win situation. The door to the porch always freezes and the drifts stack against the
They were so good, they even hauled more wood for me from the pile,
and stacked it inside the porch.
Now we’re free they shoveled everything, even to the bird feeders!
Now my next mission is to free up that big black thing
called a GRILL. Every time I think I can get to it, it has
something frozen and white blocking it.
I’m dreaming of my first burger on the fire.
So how did YOU do this last storm?

Loving New England

We’re due for 4 inches of snow tomorrow. Then the Noreaster will come.
Our area is due to have 12-15 inches, of snow. Which slays me because we
finally got to see dirt and grass…well dead grass but it’s grass all the same.
There won’t be any need to  sand and salt. I’ve been slippin and sliden on
sand since November.
 And still I love where I live. Where else can you have
spring temperatures one day and be slammed with heavy snow the next.
The plants are enjoying the longer days. Here are some new blooms. A
Christmas Cactus, and an old time Kalancho. She’s two years old.


January Snow

These are some pictures of our January.


.These are the feeders, pictures taken from the kitchen windows.mitt-2.


More from the kitchen window!


This is the window view from my computer




This is our little pond.  Our dogs always considered it
their own private swimming hole. Which was nice except
when you were expecting a house full of company.




from the front door, the deer usually come through that




Down our drive way







I didn’t put the yard stick in till the other day. I couldn’t
shove it all the way down. There is ice packed snow as a base.



This is an old mitten I never finished, the measurements were
wrong. So being a knitter I thought it was a fun idea to top
off with one of my duds!!

Snow Day!

We’ve been hit with a lot of the white stuff this week.
I’m going in all different directions
and then ..IT SNOWED.
And it snowed again, then yesterday’s storm never stopped,
we’re now calling it “ocean effect”. 
You still have to shovel and plough it, but they don’t call it snow.
Well,ocean effect, dumped 8 more inches last night.
 Thank GOD it wasn’t snow!
Views from my front door.
To the left
With winter putting on her display it’s nice to find
 a little nook to escape her gifts.
I wandered into the little greenhouse and found
the Amaryllis opening her trumpets. They’re gaining
strength to hail The New Born King.
Then I put up the tree, I’m still working on it. I love the
twinkling lights. This is it reflected in the convex mirror.


And I’ve been working on the kitchen too. I don’t want to
over due. Mostly because we have quite a crowd Christmas Eve.
And my home isn’t very large. I took some philodendrons and
put little lights through them.  I have to fix the wiring. And
there is a little strip of ribbon on the curtains. The kitchen
needed some thing festive.
Now I have to go get more firewood. Happy Snow Day!

Way Up North

Well way up north where the air gets cold
There’s a tale about Christmas
That you’ve all been told
And a real famous cat
all dressed up in red
All he spends all year working out on
his sled.
It’s the Little St. Nick
the Little St. Nick
It’s the Little St. Nick
the Little St. Nick
Just a little bobsled called the Old St. Nick
But she’ll walk a tobbogan with a four speed stick
She’s candy apple red with a ski for a wheel
And when Santa hits the gas just watch her peel
It’s the Little St. Nick
the Little St. Nick
It’s the Little St. Nick
the Little St. Nick
Run Run Reindeer
Run Run Reindeer
Run Run Reindeer
Run Run Reindeer
He don’t miss NO ONE.
And haulin through the snow at a frightening speed
With a half dozen deer with Rudy to lead
He’s got to wear his goggles cause the snow really flies
And he’s cruisin every path with a little surprise
It’s the Little St. Nick
the Little St. Nick
It’s the Little St. Nick
the Little St. Nick
(The Beach Boys)

It’s Snowing!!

snow-11No not here, but on my Weblog.  I figured

out how to make it snow. It wasn’t hard…check option: snow.  For me it’s

High Tech!

Today is the Feast of Sinterklaas..or…St. Nicholas. It’s where the

tradition of gift giving started.  This is a St. Nicholas doll my sister

gave me, way back when.   It’s St. Nicholas wearing his vestments,

including the shepherd’s staff.  You can see how Sinterklaas eventually

developed into our Santa Claus.


This doll is dated 1988.  How come that doesn’t seem old to me??? It’s like



I’ve been having a fun, and sloppy day. Yanking out the Christmas

 window lights, looking for red ribbons, and ornaments.

 I only broke one thing.

Which is so unlike me. I usually break a lot more.

We had a beautiful morning.  I saw this sweet thing stripping

my bushes.  I’m afraid her sibs might have fallen fate to

hunters. There are usually 3-4 of them.


However the Christmas Cactus and Paper Whites are doing

beautifully.   I started a few more bulbs, hoping to have more

blooms in January.



And that’s all I got.  How was YOUR day?