Try to remember the kind of September When life was slow and oh, so mellow

And here we are. Our days are turning to Autumn and Mother Nature is using her best colors.

I finished my Prayer Shawl. I call it Cape Cod Cranberry. I took the pattern, from the Pray Shawl Book for knitters. There is also a book for crocheters.

This is Lion-Brand’s yarn. It’s top down. Starting with 4 stitches/increase w/yarn over, before the third marker and repeat till it’s 30 inches.

I do like how it drapes. and it’s the king of yarn you can snuggle.

I’m spending a lot of these days on my porch. There is always a breeze. It comes off the woods. I’m fortunate for that. This is my view.

Everyone find a way to stay cool!!

A lovely surprise.

I was diagnosed and had surgery for Breast Cancer. The ladies in our Prayer Shawl Ministry. Gifted me this beautiful Prayer Shawl. I don’t know how to share how much this means to me. I know and have seen how generous these ladies are. They take time away, from their own families. To knit/crochet these beautiful treasures, full of prayers and grace.

I’m starting Radiation, in July. I know I’ll be wrapping myself up in this, as I do now. Often I’m up during the wee hours. Just roaming the house. My mind flickers, from one thought to the other, lately. And I cuddle up with my shawl.

I’d like to thank the ladies of The Immaculate Conception & St James Parishes, for their charity and prayers.

I hope everyone who sick and infirmed has someone who cares.


Mary Ellen