Patterns in the Sand.

I recently read Sally Goldenbaum’s second book in her series
Seaside Knitters, titled Patterns in the Sand.
I LIKED IT. It became a “page turner”.  She’s very good setting
up the landscape the characters and the story. I felt like I was
living on Cape Ann.
It’s a good little mystery, a young stranger comes to town, a
resident dies, then another resident. Nell, Cass, Izzy and
Birdie befriend the young stranger and do their best to collect
information to find who murdered these men.
I give Sally Goldenbaum four stars, usually these knitting mystery
series take a long time to get off the ground.  Her first Seaside
Knitting Mystery was Death by Cashmere. I also enjoyed that one.
She set up the characters, and wrote a good tale.
The only part that made me nervous was when they were cooking
up one of their many delicious meals. I think it was Nell who left
the tomatoes and clams simmering.  A chill went through me, no
way would Nell be cooking them together, that’s NOT chowder.
Fortunately later in the chapter they were eating CREAMY clam
chowder. (the tomatoes must have been sent to New York <g>)
I think  why I enjoyed Patterns so well, I knew the gals,
and their many talents. I was able to nestle in on a rainy night
and enjoy a good book.

Suspense Saturday


I just found out that Sally Goldenbaum’s Patterns in the Sand, is to be released in May.
It’s the second in her murder series of the Seaside Knitters.   
The first was Death by Cashmere, I posted on this last October.
It was a good read. It brought in all the local color and numerous characters,
of a little fishing village on Cape Ann in Massachusetts.  If you’re not familiar
with Cape Ann, the movie The Perfect Storm was filmed in Gloucester, one
on the major fishing harbors in Massachusetts. Being someone from
eastern Massachusetts, and very familiar with Cape Ann.   I recommend
the book. Nice murder, good investigation, perfect for the beach or Mother’s Day.