Enjoying November

I’m starting to enjoy the seasons to come. I have a lot of my cancer treatments, behind me. Now I have free days. Starting with re-potting the Orchid. Which was an experience. They really do need cramped roots, and tiny pots. It’s like squeezing a fat lady into a small corset. But I DID IT!!

The best time I had yesterday. Was to bring pots, into my little Greenhouse. And fill the benches with some nice things to come. These are my herbs, of Parsley, Basil, plenty of Thyme and Marjoram. These are fresh and healthy. No spraying, and rich dirt.

This is showing my Money Plant. I love that old thing. It’s about 15 years and gives the nicest shade of green. It’s n that white/pink pot. It’s an original. As it grows it’s stems they twist around each other. This makes an interesting TRUNK. Now they use a hybrid and plant two and twist them manually.

There are a couple of Christmas/Easter Cactus.

I have some pretty flowers too……….

This one is going to make me even MORE GREY!! Ha, I let her munch for a bit then knock on the window. If she eats it all today…nothing is left for tomorrow!

Winter Traffic!

A little snow fell, these past weeks. My friends in the forrest decided to pay me a visit.


This was following the first big blast of Old Man Winter. The deer feasted on the pines.  Then wandered to

my window.

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We were hit again, with more snow. It was quite miserable. The visibility was very low, and the winds were howling.


It’s estimated that 50 inches have fallen.


A doe taking cover under a spruce. She’s laying down to avoid the winds.



You can see her just to the left of the out building.


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This is my OWN wild animal, suffering through the winter……



Hoping for blue skies for everyone!!!

Welcome November.

November 2010,
Farmer’s Almanac
Time on his wing, fast hastes away,
And chills each warm succeed;
To capricon sol hastes each day,
So nights the day succeed.
I had to read it twice to figure it out. Days are shorter, nights longer
and December is nigh..(I stuck in the “nigh”..don’t you love it!)
Hello everyone.   I’m sorry for my month long blog neglect.
I had a computer problem and once that was eradicated I had
a connection problem. Which did take a little time, however
that was my fault not Verizon’s.  And I must say, they are the
nicest people. They have a wonderful attitude dealing with
customers. Either that or they’re faking it, either way I’m pleased.
Well I thought I’d start the week off with absolutely nothing, ..
which is really the theme for this blog anyay!
This is two weeks ago.  It’s a view from my window where I
blog, knit..complain hahaha.
It’s a pretty red caught in the morning sun.  And if you look close
you can see the remnants of our first snow squall.  Actually squall
is a kinder word for it.  We had 4 inches of sopping, wet snow that
came down in splats.  And a great deal of damage. I’ll post more
on that later.
This is an afternoon view from the kitchen door. It’s so peaceful.
Have a good day everyone.
Mary Ellen
This is a walk down our road, it was a rainy misty day, and the colors were
very sharp.
Things are getting bare.

It’s the Little Things

A Thirsty Little Fella
A Young Miss with her dear friend
Flowers are $3.00, please don’t take the jar.
Little Miss Milly
.A little Chipmunk
.Come back SOON!!

Tin Can Garden

Sometimes Summer isn’t what she promises.
 You have to move
your flowers inside.
This is my “Tin Can Garden”
Tea, cookies, candy
and a lonely pickle jar have
contributed to my humble little
.Roses in Pickles
Impatient’s waiting for the rain to stop, Impatiently!!.

Holy Saturday

I see His Blood upon the Rose
By Joseph Mary Plunkett  (1887–1916)

I SEE his blood upon the rose

And in the stars the glory of his eyes,

His body gleams amid eternal snows,

His tears fall from the skies.

I see his face in every flower;
The thunder and the singing of the birds

Are but his voice—and carven by his power

Rocks are his written words.

All pathways by his feet are worn,

His strong heart stirs the ever-beating sea,
His crown of thorns is twined with every thorn,

His cross is every tree.


Yesterday morning I looked out the upstairs window, and of course
we’re covered in snow.
I heard a noise, which is odd because I can’t get out the driveway. Which means
no one can come down it either. 
And LOOK who came to save me.
The plow and sander, YIPPEE
Unless you go through it.  There is no happier feeling than being plowed, and dug out after a heavy winter storm.
I heard some more noise on the other side and there was Danny throwing sand and
salt all over the walk.
As much as I try to keep the area clear so we can get out the back door it’s a no
win situation. The door to the porch always freezes and the drifts stack against the
They were so good, they even hauled more wood for me from the pile,
and stacked it inside the porch.
Now we’re free they shoveled everything, even to the bird feeders!
Now my next mission is to free up that big black thing
called a GRILL. Every time I think I can get to it, it has
something frozen and white blocking it.
I’m dreaming of my first burger on the fire.
So how did YOU do this last storm?

The Madonna of the Streets

I love this painting. The blues and earth tones
brings a feeling of sadness and yet hope.
It’s titled, The Madonna of the Streets by
by Roberto Ferruzzi

We keep it at the end of our hall, so when you enter or leave you’re
treated to this lovely reminder.

Today is Ash Wednesday, a day that starts the
40 days of fast, abstinence and almsgiving.
Almsgiving can also be mercy towards others,
generosity of heart, sharing goods, and so on.
A couple of days ago, Donna at: An Enchanted
Cottage. Wrote of her friend who shares this generosity
of heart. 
(her link)
 She uses her time and talent in homeless
Her mission is (quoting her post)

“Enchanted Makeovers a organization that transforms
shelters for women and children
 into places of peace and possibilities”
I ask you to visit these sites, to see how one woman
changed the surroundings and gives people self respect
when they’re at the lowest time in their lives.
It gives 10 ways to help.  Also it can inspire us to do
something in our own communities.
She certainly knows,  The Madonna of the Streets.


A time for babies


We’re enjoying all our new babies, little things are waking up (inside)
here are some happenings in the greenhouse.
Marigolds just starting. They only took two days to start
coming up. I had them inside in a sunny window.
Now that they’ve formed their leaves, they’re under the
warming lamps in the greenhouse
Shasta Daisies
The stem you see hanging over the daisies is from an orchid. It’s starting
to bud, and I don’t want to interrupt her.
Forget Me Not, these are a month old.
Burning Love!!
I threw some leftover geranium seeds in a tray, last fall. I actually
forgot they were there. The moisture in the air must have helped them
propagate I’m feeling a little guilty, I should have tended to them.



The most beautiful baby of all!!

Little Matthew came to us weighing 8 lbs 6 oz.
The first grandchild
for hubby’s brother and wife,
Mommie, Matthew , and exhausted Daddy
are doing very well.