Brussel Sprouts, Winter’s Unknown Treasure.

1        Pound of fresh Brussel Sprouts
1 1/2  cup low fat milk
1        Cup fresh bread crumbs
4        Slices of American Cheese
Set Oven temp. to 350 degrees
Brussel Sprouts are best in winter. They love the cold and are best picked after it snows.
I’ve left my crop of fully grown sprouts through blizzards. I think it tenderizes them.
So when you purchase them from your grocery be sure they’ve been kept on you
would fish.
When you bring them home cook them right away or store in the coldest part of the refrigerator.
I recommend cooking them as soon as you can. The point of waiting for the winter is to get
them fresh and tender. The longer they linger the longer they can become bitter.
Wash them in a bowl of cold icy water.  Drain off and prepare for cooking.
Cut the stem and then slice an X in the bottom.  It helps it cook through without over cooking.
.When preparing, discard any brown leaves.
Put them into boiling water, approx 15 mins.  This was  over a pound so it took a
little longer.
While cooking, grind some bread for fresh soft bread crumbs about two slices.
Pour approx.  1 1/2 cups of low fat milk in a pan on medium high.
 Adding 4-5 slices of
American Cheese. Let the cheese melt into the milk. Making a sauce.
Once a knife can easily go through a sprout remove and drain.  You don’t want them falling
apart and mushy.
  Put in an oven safe  2 quart casserole dish. Slice them in half.
  Pour the cheese/milk sauce  over the sprouts.  Then spread the fresh crumbs over the top.
  I use the bread crumbs rather than cracker crumbs. I find the crackers to be too salty,
  especially where the cheese already has plenty of salt in it.
Put in the pre warmed oven for 20-25 mins.  Don’t over cook, they sprouts will be bitter.
Remove from oven and ENJOY.

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