Still Snowing South of Boston


This is from the other night. All seemed peaceful


This morning with a few more inches..lots of wind.


From my kitchen window, it comes up the window

half way


My front yard, almost to the top of the lamp light



My gas grill is under this


The view from the porch to the pump house


Birds still finding food

Like they said it would.  It stopped around 11AM,  There is wind but not much. We should be getting high winds and low temps soon.  My area got around a foot. I’m still unable to open any doors. Still I got some photos.




Snow…South of Boston

I thought we already had a lot of snow…And we DID.  Since Sat night we’ve been clobbered with even more.

This was taken last a few days ago..when we had sun.  Probably Friday morning.

Bird Feeder..approx 25 inches of snow

Bird Feeder..approx 25 inches of snow

Taken today, and it’s still coming.  Using the fence as a guide, it’s showing around 20 more inches (and still falling)

40 + inches

40 + inches


The pump house, grill, rather well covered.

The pump house and grill

The pump house and grill



The grill is buried, and the snow is up to the door knob.

Back walkway after the first storm..last week


Taken a few mins ago. It just doesn’t end,


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My Ollie is finding all this exhausting………….IMG_1115

A little white stuff


This is my orchid, looks nice with the snow back ground.

View from the front door at 3 AM,  on Blizzard Day

And this is the same view at 8 AM,

And it’s still snowing, I guess for the rest of the DAY,

There are 68,000 power outages in towns all around ME.   So far so good.


Yesterday morning I looked out the upstairs window, and of course
we’re covered in snow.
I heard a noise, which is odd because I can’t get out the driveway. Which means
no one can come down it either. 
And LOOK who came to save me.
The plow and sander, YIPPEE
Unless you go through it.  There is no happier feeling than being plowed, and dug out after a heavy winter storm.
I heard some more noise on the other side and there was Danny throwing sand and
salt all over the walk.
As much as I try to keep the area clear so we can get out the back door it’s a no
win situation. The door to the porch always freezes and the drifts stack against the
They were so good, they even hauled more wood for me from the pile,
and stacked it inside the porch.
Now we’re free they shoveled everything, even to the bird feeders!
Now my next mission is to free up that big black thing
called a GRILL. Every time I think I can get to it, it has
something frozen and white blocking it.
I’m dreaming of my first burger on the fire.
So how did YOU do this last storm?