More boring blooms.

This is another annoying post about my orchids.
She’s opening up more and more and I can’t
take my eyes off her.



This is one my husband gave me on our anniversary
a couple of years ago.  I had terrible luck with it
and then last winter I repotted and trimmed
a lot of the stems. I also chopped the leaves.
I always have dreadful luck with orchid leaves.
It always bloomed but not worth noting because
the blooms were so pathetic.
Look at HER now!
I thought the white blossoms would show
better against the pine.
Can you feel the breeze yet?
This is our porch. I love it here. The hottest day
is always pleasant because of the soft breeze
from the woods.
We have breakfast, lunch an supper here
all summer long.
I took these to show off the beautiful woodwork.


I hope you have a fun special place for
summer too!!
And a few orchids!

A Basket and a Bow



From this beautiful vessel grows the most
magnificent and delicate orchids.


Christmas Eve, people remarked….Is that REAL?
I dare not move it to the greenhouse till the days
have longer light, it might stunt the blooms.