Loving New England

We’re due for 4 inches of snow tomorrow. Then the Noreaster will come.
Our area is due to have 12-15 inches, of snow. Which slays me because we
finally got to see dirt and grass…well dead grass but it’s grass all the same.
There won’t be any need to  sand and salt. I’ve been slippin and sliden on
sand since November.
 And still I love where I live. Where else can you have
spring temperatures one day and be slammed with heavy snow the next.
The plants are enjoying the longer days. Here are some new blooms. A
Christmas Cactus, and an old time Kalancho. She’s two years old.


It’s Snowing!!

snow-11No not here, but on my Weblog.  I figured

out how to make it snow. It wasn’t hard…check option: snow.  For me it’s

High Tech!

Today is the Feast of Sinterklaas..or…St. Nicholas. It’s where the

tradition of gift giving started.  This is a St. Nicholas doll my sister

gave me, way back when.   It’s St. Nicholas wearing his vestments,

including the shepherd’s staff.  You can see how Sinterklaas eventually

developed into our Santa Claus.


This doll is dated 1988.  How come that doesn’t seem old to me??? It’s like



I’ve been having a fun, and sloppy day. Yanking out the Christmas

 window lights, looking for red ribbons, and ornaments.

 I only broke one thing.

Which is so unlike me. I usually break a lot more.

We had a beautiful morning.  I saw this sweet thing stripping

my bushes.  I’m afraid her sibs might have fallen fate to

hunters. There are usually 3-4 of them.


However the Christmas Cactus and Paper Whites are doing

beautifully.   I started a few more bulbs, hoping to have more

blooms in January.



And that’s all I got.  How was YOUR day?

Sunny Days!

We awoke to beautiful sun, and cool fall air.
I love it.
I’ve been staring at some spring bulbs for a few weeks
and decided to force them. They’ll remain in the green
house then I’ll put them on the porch outside to freeze.
I hope to have some nice arrangements next Easter.
I started some paper whites, a week ago.  I’m going to
get more and hopefully I can scatter the blooms through
the winter. I love the flowery scent, even more than the
delicate blooms.  AND this time I was smart. I put the
supports in when I started the bulbs. Mine are always
flopping over, even when I tie a ribbon around the stems.
They’re not going to trick me this time. I’m ahead of the
game. Little teasers.
My Christmas Cactus (Zygo Cactus). Is getting ready to
put on a show.
 I love this old timer. I got it when it was
in a 4 inch pot.  It didn’t do well the last time. It was nice
but not spectacular. It lost a few limbs. They fell off.
I stuck a couple in dirt last spring and LOOK it’s going
to bloom too.  I’m going to keep her with her mommy.
So she learns. The other one didn’t do well.
I promised her that if she does very well I might enter her in  Pink Saturday,
she rolled her eyes.
This is a great bench for me. They get both the morning and late afternoon
sun.  I really want to share all the pictures from my greenhouse, but it needs
a good house cleaning first.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.